Twitter is a huge world when you first join. It's like stepping into a huge mall with many floors. So much to see, so much to try out yourself. Now this blog is aimed at helping you out. Filled with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Twitter.
Twitter may seem overwhelming when first starting out but it really isn't. What you want to do first is create your first tweet! You can tweet about anything to start off, you could simply say "hello" or any other greeting. Next you want to edit your profile. You should edit your bio, add a profile picture, and you could even change your background.
After you have done these changes you then want to start following people. Search some of your interests to start out. Follow people that share the same interests with you. After you have followed people some may follow back. You now have followers! Now you can tweet whenever you want and people will see them.
If you want to get a lot of followers you should use tools such as Twiends or ManageFlitter. If you don't want to use tools you can follow people by hand. Simply follow people by searching for them then following. But if you want to get a lot of followers fast I recommend using tools. If you use tools you will be much more efficient.
After you have been in the Twitter world you will begin to get used to it. You may like it or dislike it, but if you do like it you will feel at home. Twitter can be used for many things if you put your mind to it.
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