Monday, October 10, 2011

Twitter has One Hour Power Outage - Oct 7 2011

Twitter has had a power outage for one hour last Friday. Problems started to occur at midnight EDT until 1 a.m..

When the site came back online it took 30 seconds for the site to load. Usually is would take two to three seconds to load.

Many users were annoyed by this long outage. The reason for this outage in unknown.

Twitter needs to upgrade their servers soon! Twitter has more demand and they need to meet it. Twitter can't grow if it can't hold it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Follow your followers back

If you are interested in getting followers and keeping them it's a great idea to follow back. Everyone likes to be followed. Why not make them happy as well?

When someone follows you they may be hoping you follow back. If you don't they simply unfollow you. You want to keep your followers. Make sure to follow back as soon as you can. You don't have to follow them forever, you can unfollow them in a couple weeks if you like to follow specific people. If you give it a couple weeks they will probably forget about unfollowing you and you will then have a permanent follower!

Following can be very beneficial for you and then. You keep a follower while they receive your tweets!

Remember to follow back when you can. It will be worthwhile in the long run for your account.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Beginning your Journey in the Twitter World

Twitter is a huge world when you first join. It's like stepping into a huge mall with many floors. So much to see, so much to try out yourself. Now this blog is aimed at helping you out. Filled with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Twitter.

Twitter may seem overwhelming when first starting out but it really isn't. What you want to do first is create your first tweet! You can tweet about anything to start off, you could simply say "hello" or any other greeting. Next you want to edit your profile. You should edit your bio, add a profile picture, and you could even change your background.

After you have done these changes you then want to start following people. Search some of your interests to start out. Follow people that share the same interests with you. After you have followed people some may follow back. You now have followers! Now you can tweet whenever you want and people will see them.

If you want to get a lot of followers you should use tools such as Twiends or ManageFlitter. If you don't want to use tools you can follow people by hand. Simply follow people by searching for them then following. But if you want to get a lot of followers fast I recommend using tools. If you use tools you will be much more efficient.

After you have been in the Twitter world you will begin to get used to it. You may like it or dislike it, but if you do like it you will feel at home. Twitter can be used for many things if you put your mind to it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Perfect your Twitter Bio

Your bio is very important when attracting new followers. You want to give good information in your bio, keep it neat, and keep it short.

Your bio should be filled with rich information about your Twitter profile. You want your future followers to have an easy idea of who you are. Your bio should simply have a small explanation about your profile. Specifically what you do, why you do it, and why it benefits your followers.

Remember to keep your bio neat and tidy. You want your future followers to understand you as fast as possible. If your bio is filled with errors and useless content it won't be interesting to read. You also want to avoid excessive capitals. You don't want to annoy anyone!

In your bio make sure to keep it short. No one has the patience to read a large paragraph describing you. You want to shorten your bio as much as you possibly can. Make it easy for the reader. When you read it think of yourself as the reader. If you notice potential problems make sure to fix them.

Like other things on Twitter, your bio is very important and should be used to its fullest potential. Remember to have good information in your bio, keep it neat, and make sure it is short.

How to Add your Blog/Site to your Twitter Profile

If you have a blog or a site it is a great idea to add it to your Twitter profile. You can do this in just a couple easy steps.

First you want to click on your profile name at the top right corner. Then you want to choose settings. When you click settings you have many options, click profile then look for "Web". Then all you have to do is type in your blog or website and your all set. Remember to save at the bottom of the page. Your blog or website will appear in your profile for everyone to see. Great way to get your blog or website out there.

Here are the steps in a cleaner form.

  1. Click on your profile name at the top right corner.
  2. Choose settings.
  3. Click profile.
  4. Look for "Web" and type in your blog or website.
  5. Click save at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Your blog or website will now appear on your profile!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Choosing a Good Background for Your Twitter Profile

When someone views your Twitter profile they see you tweets, profile picture, bio, and your background. All these things are important to use.

When picking out your background for your profile remember it represents who you are. It makes you unique from others like your profile picture. It lets your followers remember who you are and get to know you better.

Your background should relate to your accounts purpose. It could briefly explain who you are or what you do. It could be filled with pictures that relate to your interests. Anything that relates to your Twitter profile will work.

Your background is just as important as your profile picture. If you treat them the same you will get the most out of them. Remember, use everything you can to get the most out of your profile. You want to benefit yourself as much as possible.

Using Hashes (#) in Your Tweets

Using hashes (#) in your tweets can help make the most out of every tweet. It enables other people to find your tweet easier. If more people see your tweet you are getting more out of your tweets. You also could get more followers too!

When using hashes remember what they are meant for. Use them  for important key words in your tweets. If you tweeted about a shopping deal you would use #shoppingdeal as a hash. Get creative, use hashes the way you want too.

When you use hashes you are exposing your tweets to more people. This can be very beneficial to you when you want to get noticed. More people will get used to knowing you and may even follow you. Hashes help you get more followers without doing much extra work. All you are doing is adding hashes to every tweet. Try to use 1-3 hashes on tweets, don't want to use hashes for every single word in your tweet. That is just annoying to see and read. Text is much easier to read compared to hashes. Remember that, you need to look at things from your followers perspective. This way you can get the most out of them.

Remember these key points:
  • Use hashes in every post.
  • Don't over use hashes, try to aim for 1-3 per tweet.
  • Make sure your hashes relate to your tweet.
  • Hashes get you more noticed and you can get more followers.
Hashes can be very beneficial, don't forget to use them!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Quality is Better than Quantity for Twitter Followers

You may think to yourself, having more followers is always better. This isn't always true, what if your followers share absolutely no interests with you? Your followers would then be like having no followers at all.

When getting followers they should enjoy some of your interests or your niche. You rather have 500 followers that like your niche then 2000 followers that don't care for your niche. Instead of gained tons of followers quickly, you gain them slowly and accurately so they will be unique and worthwhile.

When mass following remember to follow people within your niche. This will increase the chances of unique followers rather then low quality ones.

It is okay to have low quality followers with quality followers. If you have a large amount of followers, people will be more interested in following you. Just remember you can't have only low quality followers. They won't be worth your time, you rather have no followers at all.

When using Twiends you have the ability to choose your interests. Use that option so you can get quality followers. This is a very easy way to increase your quality follower count.

Don't treat your quality followers like nothing. They share your interests and don't need to be forgotten about. A good way to keep in touch with your followers is ask them questions. Ask for their thoughts on a topic or news etc..

Just remember to have quality followers, a very important thing when using Twitter!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Use Your Twitter Profile Picture to Your Advantage

The most important thing about Twitter is to get the most out of it. A good way to do this is to pick a good profile picture.

When picking a profile picture make sure it represents your profile. If you create a unique profile picture you will be known well. When people see your profile picture they will know it's you. You make yourself unique from everyone else so you stand out. If you get yourself out there more you will get more followers and people will remember you much more.

Don't pick the wrong profile picture though. If you copy a common picture you will just be like many other people. Make sure you pick a unique picture, make sure you get the right one.

Remember to have a profile picture in the first place. You don't want that common egg picture. It's so bland and common you won't be unique at all. Try to get a profile picture as fast as possible.

Lastly make sure your picture represents your profile. If your profile picture is totally different from what your profile is about, you will confuse your followers. Try to make your profile picture make sense.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Make Your Bio Benefit You

When using Twitter you are able to have a bio. Your bio is very important to use. It will explain your account to other people. If you have a good bio you have a better chance to get followers.

When filling your bio remember to describe your profile. It will help your future followers decide if they want to follow you or not. If you have a poor bio, people won't be interested in your profile. Remember to base your bio on your niche. For example, if you tweeted about tech news you would describe your account as follows "Follow me for tech news". This is just a basic start though, you want to plan your bio carefully and make the most out of it. It could decide if you get a follower or not.

Remember to make the most out of your Twitter account. If you optimize it you will see results.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Focus Your Twitter Account on a Niche

Focusing your Twitter account on a niche can be very beneficial. It can attract followers that share the same interests. If they share the same interests then they will be interested in your tweets.

When deciding on your niche remember to think about the purpose of your Twitter account. For example, if your account is based on tech news. You would base all of your tweets, bio, etc on tech news. If you do this your followers will get what they came for. They don't want to see you tweeting about cooking if your niche is tech news.

Focusing on a niche can benefit you greatly if you do it right. Just think of the reason you made your Twitter account. Use that reason to create a niche for your account. Then your followers and future ones will get what they came for. Your niche.                                                             

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Become a Social Tweeter on Twitter

Twitter is a social network. You should use it for being social. If you commicate with your followers you are bound to have loyal followers. You want to get yourself well known to others on Twitter. This includes your followers and people you are following. If you are a social tweeter people will be interested in following you.

If you use Twitter and never communicate with anyone else you are missing out on potential loyal followers. If you never communicate with your followers they don't do the same. If you have talked to your followers there is a better chance of them checking out your tweets etc..

Being social is a very important thing to do on Twitter. Building a loyal follower base is very important. You want to get the most out of your followers! If you do this you won't have to have thousands and thousands in order to get promotion. You can do more for less.

Free Sites When Getting Followers and Managing

If you ever needed some great sites when managing followers, they can be found in this post! I found and used to sites for getting followers and managing them.

The first program is Twiends, a site which lets you follow people with your interests. Twiends is great when finding people with the same interests. This can be a great tool when finding followers in your niche. You are able to easily follow many people in a short amount of time. All you have to do is connect your Twitter account and you can get started.

The second program is ManageFlitter. This tool is great when you want to mass unfollow. It shows all your followers in groups. You can see followers that are inactive, not following back, have no profile pic, talkative, and quiet. These can be so convenient, you can simply unfollow all inactive people with a couple clicks.

These two sites are free. So you can use them freely and help you when managing followers.

Don't Scare Your Followers Away

Your followers are very important when using Twitter. If you do anything to scare your followers away you will be in trouble. This could be mass advertising, bots, or just being annoying.

If you have a welcoming Twitter account and you tweet every once and awhile and then suddenly start posting ads, you will scare your followers. No one wants to see mass ads being tweeted. You will make your followers unfollow you. This can be a serious problem for you. If you do ever bother using ads remember to use them once and awhile. You never want to bombard your followers with ads.

If you ever decide to use bots on your account be careful. Using bots with your account can make followers dislike you. They rather see a real person then a bot. So if you do use a bot make sure to tone it down and use it for small things.

Some common sense is needed here. Never be annoying on Twitter, that is the worst thing you could ever do. No one likes people like that. If you do this then don't expect anyone to like you or dare to follow you.

Remember to use these tips! They will help you when managing followers.