Your followers are very important when using Twitter. If you do anything to scare your followers away you will be in trouble. This could be mass advertising, bots, or just being annoying.
If you have a welcoming Twitter account and you tweet every once and awhile and then suddenly start posting ads, you will scare your followers. No one wants to see mass ads being tweeted. You will make your followers unfollow you. This can be a serious problem for you. If you do ever bother using ads remember to use them once and awhile. You never want to bombard your followers with ads.
If you ever decide to use bots on your account be careful. Using bots with your account can make followers dislike you. They rather see a real person then a bot. So if you do use a bot make sure to tone it down and use it for small things.
Some common sense is needed here. Never be annoying on Twitter, that is the worst thing you could ever do. No one likes people like that. If you do this then don't expect anyone to like you or dare to follow you.
Remember to use these tips! They will help you when managing followers.
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