You may think to yourself, having more followers is always better. This isn't always true, what if your followers share absolutely no interests with you? Your followers would then be like having no followers at all.
When getting followers they should enjoy some of your interests or your niche. You rather have 500 followers that like your niche then 2000 followers that don't care for your niche. Instead of gained tons of followers quickly, you gain them slowly and accurately so they will be unique and worthwhile.
When mass following remember to follow people within your niche. This will increase the chances of unique followers rather then low quality ones.
It is okay to have low quality followers with quality followers. If you have a large amount of followers, people will be more interested in following you. Just remember you can't have only low quality followers. They won't be worth your time, you rather have no followers at all.
When using Twiends you have the ability to choose your interests. Use that option so you can get quality followers. This is a very easy way to increase your quality follower count.
Don't treat your quality followers like nothing. They share your interests and don't need to be forgotten about. A good way to keep in touch with your followers is ask them questions. Ask for their thoughts on a topic or news etc..
Just remember to have quality followers, a very important thing when using Twitter!
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